Ubud has captured my heart and soul so much that I can’t just post one photo gallery. This is a place whose rice fields and streets I could walk every day for the rest of my life and still find something new to photograph. I hope these pictures of Ubud capture the essence of Bali for you in the same way that living these moments did for me.

Bali Roads

Not For Sale

Ogoh Ogoh

Bali Hai

Crispy Duck

Restaurant In The Rice Fields

Hot Springs

Temple Offering

Purification Springs

Bali Jungle Temple

May Peace Prevail On Earth (On Mars, Too!)

Through The Gate

Can we just get rid of the plastic bottles and drink from coconuts instead?

This Dog Reminded Me Of A Crow

Does This Guy Realize He Is The Art?

We won’t run out of coconuts today!

I wish the US had more trees like this lining its sidewalks

Their Mom Begged Me To Be In A Picture With Her Kids

Can Too Much Harmony Lead To Boredom?

Yummy Chicken Sate With Peanut Sauce

Finally! A Frozen Drink In Ubud!

Frozen Ginger Lime Basil Mojito

Carved Statue In Ubud

All In A Day’s Work!

Boy With His Mom Who Is Sewing My Bag

My favorite! Ice Cream!!

Teddy Graham Offering

So Many Shoes!

The Pig!

Ibu Oka Pork

Just Before Sinking My Teeth Into The Pork


Ibu Oka-The Place To Go For Pork In Ubud

Ubud Street Workers

I like the can too much harmony lead to boredom shot… and yes isn’t the gelato amaaazing!!! happy trails…. Alejandra
Yes, that was one of my favorite shots, too!! And I LOVED the gelato…