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/ The Sunrise That Should Be On Your Bucket List (Nagarkot, Nepal)
Shake dreams from your hair
My pretty child, my sweet one.
Choose the day and
choose the sign of your day
The day’s divinity
First thing you see.-Jim Morrison

One day, the morning,
she will call to you.

You will be on top of the world
And she will whisper in your ear

awaken you with her soft caress

take you by the hand
and lead you to the holy mountaintop.

Do not try to resist her

She has the power to scatter the stars

And you are made of starlight

She breaks night from day

And you from all that you hold tightly

She is calling to you

She has promises to reveal

truths that she will show you

but not with words

She will show you with her light

A perfect light she has painted across the sky

She will show you her stolen gold

You will give her your guarded heart

Darkness will dissipate

The sweetness of dawn

will flood your being with

a promise of what is to come

your destiny fulfilled.

If you are visiting Nepal, you shouldn’t miss Nagarkot. The Nagarkot sunrise will leave you speechless. You will watch her rise in all of her stunning glory as you stand humbled, above the clouds. The Himalayas will become illuminated, and you will never forget this site. Nagarkot is just 32 kilometers from Kathmandu.

Gorgeous sunrise! I love the poetry in between and all the various angle shots! Thanks for sharing these!
You are right. This is now on my bucket list. Absolutely stunning!
Yes, best one I’ve ever seen!
Just beautiful!
Poetry!!!! As an English teacher I approve of this post. Beautiful, visually and verbally.
Poignant – the poetry is lovely, but no words are needed for something so breathtaking!
Just perfect. Have seen some great sunrises in the Canary Islands. And sunsets too.
those photos and those verses are magnificent…. They are beyond my words of praise 🙂 superb! very nice
Thank you, Gabi!!
Beautiful sunrise! I haven’t been there but I did go to Sarangkot to watch the sunrise. So much worth it to wake up early!
Beautiful Colours. Its definitely on the list!