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/ Trapped in the Mosquito Netting-More Adventures From Raja Ampat
Well, there’s not much going on here in Raja Ampat. Well, besides getting circled by sharks. But I already told you about that. I mean, I could write about how I moved from the front porch to the hammock, but there’s no hammock. Which is really a shame, actually. I could also tell you about how I am missing a flip-flop. The thing just disappeared right off the boat jetty. Only one. Left the other one behind just like that. The people at the resort said it must have been the wind.
My response to that was, “What wind?” The fan in my room is about the most wind I’ve felt here for several days, and the only thing that blows around is the mosquito netting. And that’s just barely. But that’s the end of that story. So, I will tell you about how it is to sleep with mosquito netting which can be almost, not quite, but almost as annoying as actually getting bitten by the little buggers. Well, actually the most annoying thing is sleeping with mosquito netting, and still being bitten by them which is what is happening to me now, and is the reason I am up at 4 AM writing about mosquito netting.

First of all, I am in a great place in Raja Ampat. I consider myself lucky to be in a wooden bungalow here at the Raja Ampat Dive Resort and not one of the shacks made from palm tree leaves that I could blow down, never mind the big bad wolf. Now, those make look all romantic on their big stilts right over the water, but anytime you can see that much daylight peeking in once you are inside one, well, just keep in mind that’s just that many more mosquitoes that can get in. However,the wooden bungalow I’m in, isn’t all luxury itself.
I am guessing there is no contractor’s board for the builders to answer to on this island. You see, some of the boards that make up my bungalow happen to have huge gaps between them. Huge gaps that the mosquitoes can smell me through. The whole construction of the bungalow is pretty hilarious actually. The measurements of the windows and door are still marked in marker on the glass. I am guessing the boards were never measured since there are no black marker numbers on them.

Well, anyway, so we are provided with a mosquito net here. A couple of things about that. First of all, if you use this mosquito netting, the fabric is so heavy that it blocks any air that comes from the lone fan, which is not a ceiling fan by the way. It is nailed to the far wall and its breeze might sometimes float your way. Second of all, I am guessing that the same person who measured the boards for the walls of the bungalow also measured the mosquito netting for the bed. You see, it doesn’t go all the way around. It seems like the mosquito netting was constructed to probably go around maybe, I don’t know, a hammock (of which there are none, remember) and even though the twin bed isn’t much bigger than one, it still is bigger and doesn’t do much good if it doesn’t completely surround you. Well, it does some good. It prevents your bed from becoming the sauna it would be if it did.
So, here is what happens. Throughout the night you are woken up by one of two things. One, the fan blows the mosquito netting (mind you, not you, but the mosquito netting) just enough, so that it constantly blows around and tickles your feet all night. This is because the same measurer also measured the blankets, and they don’t quite reach your feet. So, you keep waking up at being tickled. This is not the kind of tickling that makes you laugh, but an annoying occurrence which happens very frequently throughout the night. The second thing that happens is that you wake up because those same feet that keep getting tickled, keep getting bitten by mosquitoes. This is because, well, I already explained about the blanket measurer. This also gets me worrying that I will have survived an encounter with sharks only to die by the bite of a malaria-infested mosquito.
Well, these two things happen alternately throughout the night until a major event occurs, which is what happened to me last night. Somehow, I managed to get all tangled up in the darn thing, and I made a move to turn over. Well, this caused the entire thing to come crashing down on top of me. So, my wish has come true. No more mosquito netting. It does make a perfect blanket though, or I may cut it up in little strips and cover the gaps in the walls. I’ll let you know.
Meanwhile, I am going to try to go back to sleep. Here, I don’t have to worry about getting woken up by any roosters at 5 AM. This is the first place I’ve stayed without a rooster. That’s because they haven’t figured out how to swim yet. Either that, or they don’t like the mosquito netting, either.
Meanwhile, please send a tape measure to Raja Ampat, and if you can spare one, a hammock while you’re at it. That would make everything just about perfect. I can do without the flip-flops just fine.

Such a pretty mosquito netting, hard to believe it could be so dangerous!
the mosquito nets are too cute!
what you need to do is to travel with me. they ALWAYS go for me and ignore everyone else.
I’ll keep that in mind for next time!
And me!!!! I am a mosquito magnet too!!!!
I hope you’re taking malaria medicine if it’s indeed prevalent around there! I think my brother-in-law must have been in charge of the measurements. He always measures wrong for his home projects and then gets disgusted and doesn’t finish them. Come to think of it maybe he was the contractor for where you’re staying!
Ha ha! Yes, I started out taking it, but it was making me feel horrible, so I stopped…
That was one of the funniest pieces I’ve read in a while! Anyone who has lived in areas of mosquito infestation can relate to this.
you are hysterical dear, and yes, clearly you can sit with nothing to do and be fully entertained. me too. and that is why i love you val. amazing photos. kisses, gabi
Thank you, Gabi!! I love you, too!! xo
Mosquitos normally head for me as well. So I drink a glass of tonic water, morning, noon and night and they stay away.
Enjoyable story 🙂 I can definitely relate to this experience from some of my previous beach trips…
Very funny, Val! Sounds like a “I Love Lucy” episode 🙂
There’s something about (mild) adversity that makes a great travel story in hindsight. I had a memorable–if not glamorous–encounter with a toilet on a Malaysian train. . . 😛
haha I love this story but I can imagine for you it was not funny at all. I hope you take malaria medicine and that you were able to sleep better the other nights.
What an entertaining story. I had to laugh (sorry) just picturing you all tangled up in the mosquito netting! And the missing flip-flop? Oh my gosh, too funny!
Well, it is very pretty! I too get eaten alive by mosquitoes. No one ever told me Italy was full of them before I moved here. Maybe I need mosquito netting around my bed…
Ha ha!! A mosquito netting will definitely entertain you for hours….
Too funny. Mosquito netting is indeed a mixed blessing. On one hand you’re glad to have it and on the other, it cuts off the air flow. The biggest tip we ever got was to put the fan inside the netting, of course if the fan is nailed to the wall you’re out of luck. Thanks for sharing some of the downsides of traveling to remote beautiful places.
Thanks for the laugh but in all seriousness I couldn’t bear it! Despite the gorgeous island and astounding marine life.
Just you wait. There’s a crack team of scuba roosters practicing night and day on their backstroke to get themselves there.
Bring mosquito repellent next time =)
Hi.. hope you stayed safe and healthy all your trip inspite of all those mosquito attacks. By the way, another way of avoiding getting bitten by the mosquitoes I have realized is to apply mosquito repellent cream which usually lasts almost all night, can save you from those irritating mosquito bites and at least let u have a peaceful night of sleep 🙂
Yes, I was wearing Deet. Trust me, it didn’t deter these blood suckers!