The Exciting 5 Reasons Why I’m Moving To Hawaii Now
And me? I still believe in paradise. But now at least I know it’s not some place you can look for. Because it’s not where you go. It’s how you feel for a moment in your life when you’re a part of something. And if you find that moment… It lasts forever.
• Richard, The Beach (2000)
Oh, how lucky are you! I love Hawaii! If I could I would move there in an instant too. I just love the temperature and the water, and I totally agree with what you are saying about the Aloha mentality. I got married on a beach in Maui many moons ago, and it was the best decision ever. I am wishing you good luck with your move and may you settle in quickly.
I bet your wedding was absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for your wishes. Aloha to you!!
C’mon down! It’s also the best place in the world for snorkeling! Been here for 2 years in the military and I never want to leave. Thinking about doing just that as I’m eligible for retirement.
Thank you, Ken, and I agree!! I lived there 13 years ago. It’s still my favorite place!
Glad to hear you will be moving back to Hawaii. Will look forward to more beautiful pix and commentary.
Aunt Lucy & Uncle Jon
Thank you, Aunt Lucy and Uncle Jon! Maybe, you will be able to visit this time!!
Congratulations on finding your ‘place’ on the map, Valen. San Miguel’s loss is Honolulu’s
Thank you so much, Anne!
Now *that* is tuna–and boy is my mouth watering! The last photo is the best!
So excited to have real tuna again!
I understand your decision. It is great to have a base in paradise where you can find yourself in peace. Hawaii seems to be the perfect location for you. Congrats! I am so happy for you. I am eager to know all about your new life in Hawaii. We’ll keep in touch.
I’ve always wanted to visit Hawaii and will eventually. Good reasons to live there, good luck!
Frank (bbqboy)
I am so excited for you! And I’m reminded of how much I enjoyed Hawaii when I visited a couple of years ago. I can’t wait to read about your adventures there!
This sounds like a wonderful adventure! I completely understand the pull of living near the ocean. I’m instantly drawn to it, wherever we are.
It all sounds so wonderful! You really are a dreamer and an explorer. I believe that you made a great decision to stay in Hawaii. There is nothing more magnificent and comforting the nature and in Hawaii you have it in so many forms. I’d love to go there and feel the spirit of this magical place myself. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much, Belinda! I am so excited to be going back. I will also be offering a tour there in October, so stay tuned for more news!!
What an amazing adventure! I was nodding at every single one of your reasons!
I am feeling very blessed, Elena!
Yes to all!! I want to come and take one of your tours!
Thank you, Jessie! Yes, please come visit!!